Similar words: no doubt, there is no way of, there is no saying, there is no telling, All is not gold that glitters, doubt, redoubt, in doubt.

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61. There is no doubt that some depressed patients find more disturbed demented patients distressing.
62. There is no doubt that this new type of tyre represents a major advance in road safety.
63. There is no doubt that this could be done by a nod.
64. There is no doubt that with closer spacing and dissonances in the lower parts the same note-groups could produce ugly results.
65. There is no doubt that feedback from histopathology is always helpful in fine toning our understanding of cytopathology.
66. There is no doubt that you have acute pyelonephritis, a kind of urinary tract infection.
67. In the long run, there is no doubt that everybody would be much better-off if smoking were banned altogether.
68. There is no doubt that the real goal of the commission — its chief is a candidate on the slate led by former President George W. Bush's old pal, Ahmed Chalabi — was to disenfranchise Sunnis.
69. There is no doubt that we will make concerted effort to cooperate with you.
70. There is no doubt that these men will become legends, be put in music hall of fames and become one of the most influential groups of their generation.
71. There is no doubt that nearsightedness is a serious problem among the youth of our country.
72. Mohammed was not the man to give an exclusive devotion to any one woman, but there is no doubt that, within the limit set by polygamy, he was genuinely fond of his wife and benefactress.
73. Although the true biological significance of break point regions has been not clear, there is no doubt that research on hot damage point is important part of study on after effect of radiation.
74. There is no doubt that foreign talent here belongs to a subculture.
75. There is no doubt that global warming is a clear and present danger, and geoengineering may be part of the solution to that problem.
76. Rakae Jamil, a musicologist with the Sanjan Nagar Institute of Philosophy and Arts in Lahore,[ is no doubt that.html] says there is no doubt that Michael Jackson influenced the pop scene in Pakistan.
77. There is no doubt that young women's sexual fantasies of all sexual activity an important component.
78. There is no doubt that some considered that a beating was no more than summary justice.
79. There is no doubt that Mongolia is white-hot in multinational-investment circles.
80. There is no doubt that debt outstanding performance-based market has been concerned about.
81. There is no doubt that nearsightedness is a serious problem among the 8 tth of our country.
82. Whether or not any geostrategic intrigue is at play, there is no doubt that the growing energy diversification movement in the Middle East will have important ramifications for the region.
83. These are important nutrients, but for essential fatty acids, there is no doubt that fish oils are the star.
84. These panda cubs are a magnetic attraction for visitors from all over the world. There is no doubt that they are a national treasure of China.
85. Either way there is no doubt that her remarkable synthesis of western occultism and eastern traditions became a foundation for the New Age.
86. There is no doubt that Mr. Gates has been the greatest American philanthropist since John D. Rockefeller Jr.
87. Although there is no doubt that Asoka 's patronage of Buddhism did much to spread that religion, his inscriptions recognize the Brahmans as worthy of respect.
88. But there is no doubt that Mandela has become its personification.
89. There is no doubt that in order to improve the audit independence, the rotation of the CPAs and public accounting firms has been emphasized and adopted by government supervision domestic and overseas.
90. There is no doubt that stocks are always most sexually active stock investors in hot pursuit.
More similar words: no doubt, there is no way of, there is no saying, there is no telling, All is not gold that glitters, doubt, redoubt, in doubt, doubter, doubting, doubtful, doubt about, doubtless, doubtable, self-doubt, undoubted, doubtfully, redoubtable, without doubt, cast doubt on, undoubtedly, beyond doubt, without a doubt, at the double, at that, not that, it is natural that, doubting thomas, except that, there is a lack of.